Thursday, July 31, 2008


So i just have to stop and tell you all again that I am officially done with school! I almost can't believe it( and then I can):) Leaving the U today I thought about the hopes that I will never have to go there again! Well at least until I go crazy and decide to get my masters or something! Someone remind me how hard it was when that happens! I am so happy though and just need to thank everyone who helped, especially my mom and dad who know without them I would not have gotten it done! My Mom and Candice watched Melia all day while I finished up today and when I was on my way home from getting her I ran out of gas! Guess that tells you how overloaded my mind was! Luckily I wasn't far and Candice and Natalie brought me some gas! THanks! I love family!


Cole and Stephanie Fowler said...

Yeah for Lauren!! CONGRATS!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! You really did this all by yourself. What a great accomplishment.

kelli said...

Lauren, I found your blog on Julie's blog. Congrats on school! You can check our blog out at

Shumway Adventures said...

congrats! It is the best feeling!!

Linds Forrest said...

I love your graduation pictures! I have had a card in my purse for you since last Thursday! I suck. I want to stop by soon and see you. Well really we should all go do something!! Love you tons!

Dustin & Carrie Jenkins said...

Yay! Good Job! That is a big accomplishment! :)

Christy Smith said...

Congratulations, Lauren! Doesn't it feel great? That's so awesome! Those pictures of Melia are adorable, too. They totally look professional. Good job!