Monday, January 5, 2009

"This is not baby Tigger!"

Well...Chirstmas was a lot of fun! It was Cooper's 1st of course and Melia made it interesting as always. We had fun Christmas Eve at the VanOrden's side and sang some songs and opened bunches of presents. They are so nice to give us all a cruise that we will be going on in a while...Can't wait for the warm weather and beach! Then Christmas morning we had to beg Melia to wake up at 8:00 she asked if santa could come later.... What almost 3 year old doesn't want to wake up early to open presents? Well around 9:00 am we finally got her up and ate some yummy breakfast. Then started opening presents....they started with the stockings and I just love this picture of cooper "HEy what did you get?" (At least thats' what I imagine he was saying.) And then the funniest story of the day goes to Melia. She has been asking for a baby tigger and I guess Santa got the wrong one, this picture says it all. Luckiliy Aunt Julie found the right one for her birthday so all is well. Later that afternoon we went to Baker side and opened more gifts and just relaxed. My parents gave us a new microwave very much needed and Melia enjoyed the box for a house. WEll Merry Late Christmas and I hope you all enjoyed this long veiw of our days. Sorry, just wanted to write all this down somewhere!


Linds Forrest said...

What a fun Christmas! Melia is hillarious, I love that! I love her pjs too!! I think it's about time for a girls night to the movies!

Christy Smith said...

Cooper is so adorable! I can't believe how big he is! Their jammies are so cute. I hope you're doing well! Talk to you soon!