Monday, November 2, 2009


We had such a fun Halloween! Melia was a witch... a scary witch she would say and Cooper was a lion. We went to Breakfast with the witches at Gardner Village. It was early but yummy and fun to see all those witches, they were great! After we went home and carved some oranges, and Pumpkins with Grandma Sheila. When Dad got home it was time for some yummy mummy's and Trick-or-treating of course. This was the first year that Melia was really into it. She would run to each house and wanted lots of candy. She told me a couple days ago that she would need 2 buckets to fill up. haha Cooper also really enjoyed people giving him candy, he didn't quite learn how to say"trick-or-treat" but he did say lots of "tank to's". (thank you) We got home and enjoyed the candy and Melia even let me have a big one someone gave her, she was so nice to share. After her tub that turned black from her hair it was off to bed! Happy Halloween hope you all had fun.
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Linds Forrest said...

Looks like such a fun Halloween! We sure did miss the annual Van Orden party. Hopefully next year!! Love you Lu!

Alisa and Crowells said...

Fun Halloween! I love Melia's little witch face--so cute!