Melia said she loves....
"When we go get slurpies"
" When he throws me up high"
" Hugs"
" When we go to Disneyland"
Cooper loves( trust me I just know he does)....
When daddy makes him giggle with crazy sounds
When he says I'm the cutest little boy
When he plays with me
Lauren loves
When I get to fall asleep in his arms
When he makes me laugh because of some crazy story(and he always has them)]
How he loves sports so much(it's just a part of him)
That half of his clothes are "go utes"
How hard he works always( even on his Birthday to get people there furniture before Christmas)
I love how I feel like I'm one of the only people who get to see his really sweet side.
When he plays with Melia and Cooper and I know that he is the best dad to them
That he gave me a gift when we were celebrating his Birthday last night( p.s. It was a T-shirt that says, "I love Paul."
When he drives me crazy and I just know that I will always love him